New machines appear almost every day. Computer programs, robots that could help satisfy daily living needs, will make our lives easier. That’s the reason why artificial intelligence is good – it serves for human well being, but there is also another side.
There are many films where robots replace people and occupy the world. I don’t say that it is going to happen. But artificial intelligence reduces the need of perfection and replaces the necessity of human work. Why should we make an effort and waste time learning to do something if there is a machine that could do it instead of us? It is terrifying because new technologies create a situation where people are unnecessary at all. We could lay in our beds all day long like vegetables, because every job could be done by robots. But it’s only an existence, not a life worth living.
All in all, the artificial intelligence serves for human, but everything could change if we would not keep this in balance. Computers shouldn’t replace human, computers should be just the tool that makes our life better, only helpful servants, and nothing more. Everything is good until it is in measure.
Reference: http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/whatisai/node1.html
Picture from: http://robertt.deviantart.com/art/Artificial-Intelligence-12901015
2 komentarai:
As I think artificial intelligence can be heplful and not very helpful, it depends on the way of using it. Anyway I believe that there is a possibility that computers would replace people, so I think we all should be aware of it! We should incorporate our forces and be ready to fight with it! :)
I totally agree with your statement that robots should be just servants of us, humans, nothing more. I see these gadgets beneficial in some job areas that are risky and danferous for humans.
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