2008 m. gruodžio 1 d., pirmadienis
Writing (a summary): I haven't practiced writing much this term, especially when talking about summaries. I guess that I haven't improved my writing skills much, but I still have my knowledge that I gained the last term.
Writing ESP vocabulary test: Sometimes it was successful, sometimes it wasn't. It's said that you can't do your best if you don't like the task. I should admit that writing ESP vocabulary test is not my favourite task, maybe it could be a reason why I don't feel any progression there. I just try to remember and the results are the same as they were the last term.
Writing class dictations: The only thing that I've noticed is that now I can write down everything the teacher is dictating in a short period of time, while I found it quite difficult last term; I thought that it's not given enough time for this, but now it looks differently.
Listening comprehension in class: I think that I have improved my skills in this area, because even if I still make some mistakes, usually I fill all the gaps and it exhilarates me.
Listening to peers' power point presentations: I've found it quite easy. The vocabulary of my peers is usually similar to mine and that makes the presentation text easy and understandable.
Making power point presentations: I like this task. It's not very hard to make a presentation, the worst thing is to present it in the class. But I should say that the more I practice it the more easy it looks like. I feel the progression this term, because it wasn't so stressful this time and I could speak fluently.
Speaking on ESP themes in class: Even if a can't prepare this task at home, because it is quite spontaneous, I feel quite good about that. I know that I make some mistakes while talking, I also forget some words, but I have more ideas this term and more bravery to talk about it.
2008 m. lapkričio 6 d., ketvirtadienis
Psychology of kleptomania
Kleptomania is relatively rare problem (studies suggest that fewer than 5% of population suffer from this disorder) and it occurs more often in women that in men. Many kleptomaniacs are first discovered in the act of shoplifting. Sometimes such people can avoid shopping centers and even isolate themselves in order to escape from stealing. As other normal people they feel quilt and shame after the accident, but they can't manage with the stealing desire.
There are few of criteria that could help to diagnose kleptomania:
- The individual fails to resist from stealing things that has no value for him/her.
- The individual feels tension before stealing.
- The individuals tension is reduced when he/she can steal something.
- Other psychological disorders can't account for the individual's stealing behavior.
Picture from:
2008 m. gegužės 8 d., ketvirtadienis
Self - assessment of ESP learning
Writing skills: It's natural that I feel progression in my writing, because I practice writing quite much. The easiest way to feel this progression is to write something in my weblog, because I can write what I want in it and it's easy to express my mind when all weblog depends on my will. Worse situation is in writing summaries. We wrote lots of them, but it's still difficult to differentiate one type of summary from another. Moreover, it is harder to write when you are stuffed into some frames and have to stick to the rules. That's why I don't find myself so lucky in this area. The worst skills are in learning ESP vocabulary tests. I have never remembered the words that I used very rarely. Talking about dictations and self - designed tests, it's very funny for me, but I can't evaluate my abilities there. The reason might be that we haven't enough practice with it.
Speaking skills: I haven't made a presentation this term yet, so I can't evaluate myself in this area. Participation in class discussions is a bit harder than speaking in pairs, but I'm feeling like I'm constantly improving my skills. It's a long and slow process, but I feel that i've made a little progress in this area.
Listening skills: The most intensive are listening activities in class. It was always one of the most difficult tasks to me, but I'm happy now. It's a rare success to make an exercise without mistakes, but I feel like I'm a step forward. I've listened to podcast just once, so it's difficult to evaluate my skills objectively. And I should admit I have never practiced listening outside the class. Unless we introduce in this listening practice films or other videos watching in English and listening to English music.
Reading skills: Reading is similar to speaking, because perfection in this area is also long and slow process. The most noticeable progress I feel in home reading and computer tasks, because the more I read, the less I need to use a dictionary. Reading comprehension exercises aren't my favorites, I can't say if I'm improved doing this. I just know that it's not the most successful exercise for me. It's also difficult to concentrate when I read in the class, because I have to adapt to my colleagues and it's not always comfortable to me, that's why I can't evaluate myself successfully.
Picture from: http://vladstudio.deviantart.com/art/Learning-To-Fly-78394791
2008 m. gegužės 1 d., ketvirtadienis
Artificial intelligence
New machines appear almost every day. Computer programs, robots that could help satisfy daily living needs, will make our lives easier. That’s the reason why artificial intelligence is good – it serves for human well being, but there is also another side.
There are many films where robots replace people and occupy the world. I don’t say that it is going to happen. But artificial intelligence reduces the need of perfection and replaces the necessity of human work. Why should we make an effort and waste time learning to do something if there is a machine that could do it instead of us? It is terrifying because new technologies create a situation where people are unnecessary at all. We could lay in our beds all day long like vegetables, because every job could be done by robots. But it’s only an existence, not a life worth living.
All in all, the artificial intelligence serves for human, but everything could change if we would not keep this in balance. Computers shouldn’t replace human, computers should be just the tool that makes our life better, only helpful servants, and nothing more. Everything is good until it is in measure.
Reference: http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/whatisai/node1.html
Picture from: http://robertt.deviantart.com/art/Artificial-Intelligence-12901015
2008 m. kovo 4 d., antradienis
Body Language
Body language consists of eye contact, gestures, facial expression, not just of body movement as many of us thought. We use these components of body language in our communication everyday and we can also understand others better if we follow nonverbal expressions.
Almost everyone has seen at least once a man, rubbing his hands in some film. Usually this action is connected with money, success or benefit. And it’s not a fictitious fact, made up by movie directors. Rubbing hands really symbolizes anticipation. It could be money, person, success etc. Another understandable example is hands on the hips. Most of us have seen our mothers with hands of the hips once or more in the childhood, when we came back home after some nasty trick, I’m sure. And then we knew that deals are going bad. And we were right, because standing with hands on the hips means readiness and aggression. One more significant position of body language is locked ankles. It symbolizes apprehension. I can also mention open palm that means sincerity, openness, innocence or head resting in hands, that shows boredom.
There are much more examples of body language and it is a reason why we should learn much in order to control our body and understand nonverbal messages receiving from others. We can deny it or not, try to learn it or leave it as it is, but there are no doubts that nonverbal expressions communicate a great part of emotional experience.
Joseph A. De Vito “Human communication. The basic course”, 2005, Allyn & Bacon