2008 m. kovo 4 d., antradienis

Body Language

Body is a powerful instrument of our speech. The total effect of the speech also depends on a body language as well as on words. Usually body language occurs unconsciously. It would be great to have an ability to control our body language. It’s possible, but it requires loads of efforts and involves hard practice and tough learning.

Body language consists of eye contact, gestures, facial expression, not just of body movement as many of us thought. We use these components of body language in our communication everyday and we can also understand others better if we follow nonverbal expressions.

Almost everyone has seen at least once a man, rubbing his hands in some film. Usually this action is connected with money, success or benefit. And it’s not a fictitious fact, made up by movie directors. Rubbing hands really symbolizes anticipation. It could be money, person, success etc. Another understandable example is hands on the hips. Most of us have seen our mothers with hands of the hips once or more in the childhood, when we came back home after some nasty trick, I’m sure. And then we knew that deals are going bad. And we were right, because standing with hands on the hips means readiness and aggression. One more significant position of body language is locked ankles. It symbolizes apprehension. I can also mention open palm that means sincerity, openness, innocence or head resting in hands, that shows boredom.

There are much more examples of body language and it is a reason why we should learn much in order to control our body and understand nonverbal messages receiving from others. We can deny it or not, try to learn it or leave it as it is, but there are no doubts that nonverbal expressions communicate a great part of emotional experience.

Joseph A. De Vito “Human communication. The basic course”, 2005, Allyn & Bacon

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