Writing (a summary): I haven't practiced writing much this term, especially when talking about summaries. I guess that I haven't improved my writing skills much, but I still have my knowledge that I gained the last term.
Writing ESP vocabulary test: Sometimes it was successful, sometimes it wasn't. It's said that you can't do your best if you don't like the task. I should admit that writing ESP vocabulary test is not my favourite task, maybe it could be a reason why I don't feel any progression there. I just try to remember and the results are the same as they were the last term.
Writing class dictations: The only thing that I've noticed is that now I can write down everything the teacher is dictating in a short period of time, while I found it quite difficult last term; I thought that it's not given enough time for this, but now it looks differently.
Listening comprehension in class: I think that I have improved my skills in this area, because even if I still make some mistakes, usually I fill all the gaps and it exhilarates me.
Listening to peers' power point presentations: I've found it quite easy. The vocabulary of my peers is usually similar to mine and that makes the presentation text easy and understandable.
Making power point presentations: I like this task. It's not very hard to make a presentation, the worst thing is to present it in the class. But I should say that the more I practice it the more easy it looks like. I feel the progression this term, because it wasn't so stressful this time and I could speak fluently.
Speaking on ESP themes in class: Even if a can't prepare this task at home, because it is quite spontaneous, I feel quite good about that. I know that I make some mistakes while talking, I also forget some words, but I have more ideas this term and more bravery to talk about it.